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Join the Yorkshire Church Ministry

Widen your spiritual journey

Bible studies, life groups, worship, youth groups and more.

We believe in putting our beliefs into action. Our team of pastors and ministry leaders are passionate about helping you find your place in the church and using your skills and talents to serve others.

We are dedicated to:

  • Building strong relationships with our community
  • Growing your faith
  • Making a positive impact on the world around us
  • Deepening your spiritual journey
youth group eating snacks

Youth Group

Inspire change and foster unity

Women at Yorkshire

Discover meaningful connections

putting away Christmas decorations


Doing God's work beyond the church

Men's group at revs game

Men's Bible Study

Building a community of faithful men through encouragement and faith

Boy scouts

Boy Scouts

Embark on a journey of camaraderie

Girl scouts Kayaking

Girl Scouts

Get a taste of adventure