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Volunteer with Yorkshire Church


Food Collection: On the first Sunday of each month, bring items at any time. 

Please bring non-perishable (canned or dry packaged) items on the first Sunday of every month to benefit Christ Hope Church. Donations may be placed under the coat rack. This is an ongoing, year-round effort.

Soup Kitchen Casserole Prepares Needed

Soup Kitchen Update:

Our Daily Bread has been very appreciative of our efforts. They are finding there is a decreasing need for casseroles, but have asked if we could help by donating fresh fruit. If you would like to donate to the “Fruit Fund”, please place your monetary donation in the container located in the Narthex (on the table next to the mission bulletin board) and we will purchase the fruit as needed. Thank you for supporting this ongoing effort.

Our congregation makes about 17-19 casseroles monthly, delivers, and serves them, for lunch at York Daily Bread Kitchen on the first Wednesday of every month. Casseroles are prepared in your home, brought into the church, and placed in the freezer. You can deliver your casserole anytime during the month you are scheduled. Yorkshire provides the foil pan, pans are in the kitchen. Casseroles are delivered to York Daily Bread Kitchen by 8:15, the first Wednesday of each month. Volunteers serve from 10:45 AM until 12:30 PM. So if you would like to make, deliver, serve, or would like more information please call Mary Beaverson at 717-757-6863.

Altar Centerpiece

Dates are available to sponsor centerpieces for worship. When choosing a date, write your name on the chart, and complete an order form. Please return your order form with a payment of $50.00 to the office two weeks prior to your date of sponsorship. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN PRICE!

College Connection


Our “College Connection” would like to keep in touch with you while you are away in college.

Freshmen; please include a photo we can use for the bulletin board.

Present students; please be sure to send updated information.